Whatcom County Dressage and Eventing Association
(and Working Equitation, too!)
​Available to members only
For check-out info contact Patti Yust at pnksalmonfsh@gmail.com
1. 1984 Olympics in L.A., GP Dressage
2. A Matter of Trust, Walter Zettl (2 DVDs)
3. If Horses Could Speak
4. Beth Glosten's -"Riders in Balance: Rider Pilates" DVD
5. The Art of Classical Dressage with Arthur Kottas, Part 1 &2
6. Back to Back Position
7. On the Levels, USDF (For 2010 Tests)
8. Dressage Movements Revealed
For check-out info, email whatcomdressageandeventing@gmail.com
1. Dressage from A to X by Barbara Burkhardt
2. Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse by Janet Foy
3. Balance in Movement: The Seat of the Rider by Susanne von Dietze
4. Equine Massage by Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, R.M.T.
5. The Tao of Horses by Elizabeth Kaye McCall
6. Why We Ride edited by Verna Dreisbach
7. Lyons on Horses by John Lyons
8. A Gymnastic Riding System Using Mind, Body, & Spirit by Betsy Steiner and Klaus Balkenhol
9. Ride with Your Mind by Mary Wanless
10. Grooming to Win by Susan E. Harris