Whatcom County Dressage and Eventing Association
(and Working Equitation, too!)
The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to WCDEA members to further their education, experience and training in dressage or eventing. Funds may be used for clinic participation, show entry fees or other events deemed appropriate by the Leg Up Fund Committee members. Additionally, events and clinics chosen should be of general interest to most WCDEA members who will further benefit from the participants
Interested parties must submit an application to the committee requesting the funds prior to the event, clinic or show. All applicants must be current WCDEA members and have maintained a membership with the WCDEA for one year prior to application. Preference shall be given to those applying for clinics or shows that provide a variety of learning experiences.
Applications are limited to no more than two for the same clinic per year. Preference shall also be given to those members who have volunteered their time to the club events. No applicant may receive a grant more than once every two years. Those awarded funds will be required to present an oral, written and/or visual presentation (video or mounted demonstration) of their experiences and share the information gained with the WCDEA membership at a regularly scheduled meeting or otherwise convenient time.
The Leg Up Fund Committee shall have three members, one of whom shall be a current board member of the club. All committee members must be current WCDEA members. The committee will be the sole jury for awarding funds. There will be no limit of the number of years a committee member may serve, except for the current WCDEA Presidents position. Committee members may not apply for funds during their tenure on the committee.
WCDEA shall maintain a separate savings account specifically for this fund, which will be awarded by deposit to the general fund and issued on the WCDEA checking account. Funds may be accumulated through donation or designation by show chairs from profits made from WCDEA events. Donations may include WCDEA Dressage Bucks that members have accumulated and want to donate back to the club.
Donated Dressage Bucks shall be held by the Treasurer. Dressage Bucks hold no cash value and may be awarded to applicants who are requesting assistance with WCDEA show entry fees only. Under no circumstances may the committee award more money than is currently in the Fund's bank account.